Treasurer’s Report December 11, 2017

Posted on: January 16th, 2018

GHTM Treasurer’s Report December 11, 2017

At the previous regular Town Meeting in OCTOBER our bank balance was $13,703.75. Our current total cash assets are $15,361.75.

Revenue since the October meeting includes donations to the cemetery fund, pint glass sales and the Gold Rush fundraiser. Expenses include advertising for the Gold Rush event.

Earmarked fund totals are as follows:
General Fund $1779.09; Cemetery $6,507.78; Community Relief $3,326.95; Forest Management 0

(zero); Safe Link (funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $3,785.25; Community Planning $232.68.

Notes: As seen in the spreadsheet below, the Forest Management beginning negative balance reflects the Town Meeting share of the Chipping Project expenses after reimbursements. $552.75 was transferred to Forest Management from the General Fund to balance it out.

Respectfully submitted, Martha Knapp, Treasurer Gold Hill Town Meeting, Inc. 12/11/17