8-3-09 Minutes
Community Planning Initiative
Notes from the August 3, 2009 Meeting
Next Meeting will be Monday, September 14, 2009, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center
I presented the data Bear Carlson had compiled in Excel from the 40 rated vision statements we had received. Unfortunately, I had added one more, without entirely understanding his formulas, and messed up some of the totals. Karen Simmons caught it, and, since Bear is out of town, she agreed to go over it and make it all work properly. We’ll get it out to everyone when it’s all correct.
We discussed tallying the data in a number of ways for clarification and understanding – for instance, ranking each bullet point in total and then breaking them out by where the respondents live or own property (in town, in Gold Run, or outside), etc., as well as trying to compile all the points into organized paragraphs rather than listing all the individual points. Jennie will work on the latter.
Generally, the goals of a vision statement are to identify our values and priorities for what we want to accomplish. Then, if we get it incorporated into the County Comprehensive Plan, our shared values and visions will be a clear roadmap for future decisions. For instance, we want to be specific enough to protect our open space (a value almost everyone rated highly), and comprehensive enough so that the County has to let us know about anything they’re planning for our CPI area and take us into account. Otherwise, we know the County can just keep steaming along doing what they’re doing. We want to be proactive.
We also discussed a presentation at the Gold Hill Bake and Treasure Sale, which is set for September 19. We want everyone to be able to see what we’ve been doing and provide another opportunity for further input. Those of us attending the meetings are trying to represent everyone, and are working to make it as much of a joint effort as possible. We appreciate the input we’ve received so far, but also hope that we can reach more people at the Bake Sale.
Again, the next meeting is September 14, 2009, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Agenda items so far:
Review the data and revised Vision Statement
Work on the presentation at the Bake Sale