7-13-09 MINUTES
Gold Hill Community Planning Initiative (CPI) meeting minutes of July 13, 2009.
Next Meeting, Monday, August 3, 2009, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center (Firebarn)
I presented data on the draft Vision Statement from the 30 responses received so far (I eventually received 40 of approx. 150 sent out – not a bad response). The statements receiving the highest ranking were:
#1. The community’s sense of independence and separation from Boulder, as marked by our dirt roads, our relative lack of traffic and noise pollution, and our dark skies at night.
#2. Reduced wildfire risk through wildfire mitigation efforts
#3. Improved fire department water supply and firefighting capability leading to improved insurance rating.
#4. The largely undeveloped nature of the public and private lands in and around the community.
#5. The largely unrestricted views of the undeveloped landscape in and around Gold Hill.
We formed a committee – Bear Carlson, John Sand, Val Crist and me – to look at the responses and comments in order to compile a final report (break out responses from inside vs. outside the townsite, etc).
We talked about our early idea to set up sub-committees to identify and work on any issues we want to address with the County, like Green Building, etc. Green Building in particular was discussed because it seems to have generated the most controversy. Carlos Ogsbury agreed to be part of the group that addresses this.
Kris Gibson suggested that we need to try further to elicit everyone’s input and volunteered to work on a statement for the town website asking about people’s interactions with the County and suggestions for any issues that need to be worked on.
Karen Simmons suggested we have a CPI informational/idea gathering table at the Gold Hill Bake Sale in the fall including sign-up sheets for people to work on various committees.
We plan to ask people from Parks and Open Space, Green Building, Site Plan Review, Health Department, Transportation and so on to come up for another meeting to help provide information as needed.
NEXT MEETING – Monday, August 3, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center
Agenda: Vision Statement data
Presentation at the Bake Sale
Further plans
Gretchen Diefenderfer, Chair, CPI Committee, gretchend@nullmac.com, 303-442-3847
See also http://www.bouldercounty.org/lu/townsite_planning/GoldHill.htm for tons of information on our planning initiative.