4th of July

Posted on: June 21st, 2011

The Gold Hill Fire Protection District’s annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast will the held on Monday, July 4th.  Plain and Blueberry pancakes, bacon and assorted beverages will be $6.50 for Adults and $3.50 for Children: 8:30 am to 11:00 am.  Gluten free cakes available on request.  Firefighters in their official fire department t-shirts will eat for free.  There will also be a “Fill the Boot” campaign throughout the day.  Free toys for the first 70 children.  The parade starts at noon; bring a truck or march along with us – costumes, bikes, horses are all encouraged.   This year we will be celebrating those who helped save the town, supported the community and those who helped clean up areas that were burned.

Leslie & Shivaun Finn