2-8-21 Treasurer’s report

Posted on: October 11th, 2022

At the previous regular Town Meeting in December 2020 our bank balance was $17,297.10

Our current total cash assets are $17,031.32


Revenue Summary: Cemetery Fund donations $100.

Expense Summary: $50 from the General Fund for porta-potty cleaning; $158.40 food bank expenses and $157.38 for Zoom account subscription from the COVID-19 Response Fund.

Fund transfers: none.


Current fund totals:

General Fund $3626.86; Cemetery $3,205.21; Safe Link (combined funds for SafeSite, AirLink, NeighborLink projects) $2,466.79; Community Planning/Fundraising $300; Forest Management $0 (zero); Community Relief $2,375.20; COVID-19 Response $1,057.26; Water Harvesting/Ag Education Grant $4,000.


Anticipated general fund expenses for 2021: $874 for taxes, insurance, report filings, bank fees, office supplies, porta-potty maintenance.