Gold Hill Town Meeting

Posted on: December 1st, 2022

GOLD HILL TOWN MEETING, Inc. Incorporated on January 28, 1970

 Report on Town Council activity subsequent to the October 10, 2022 Gold Hill Town Meeting

Generally, the October town meeting has been the budget meeting when we look at all our funds and potential expenses and make sure we’re on track.  However, at this meeting,  Sarah O’Brien and Sam Bennett resigned their positions as Chair and Treasurer because they were going to have to move from Gold Hill.  Sam had not had the time to completely straighten out the treasurer’s records.  We did have the bank records, but the funds in the various categories were very unclear.

The Town Meeting voted to elect Marcus Moench Chair and Elisabeth  Caspari Treasurer.  Subsequently, the new Town Council (Chair Marcus Moench, Vice Chair Chrissy Maedke, Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer, Treasurer Elisabeth Caspari, and Member at Large Dan Maedke) conferred by phone and emails about getting new members on our account at the bank, and the best way to get our treasurer’s records up to date, paying overdue Property taxes, etc.  On October 24, we met to make plans for this transition, to look at our current system and consider if we want to make changes to our record keeping– for instance to Google Drive systems for transparency and continuous up to date entries.  Chrissy uses this system for the School and PTO, has budgeting systems set up,  and offered to help.

Eventually, Elisabeth, being unfamiliar with navigating this aspect of Google Drive, asked Chrissy if she would be willing to take the Treasurer position.  On November 20th, we all met again.  Our bylaws (see “What is the Gold Hill Town Meeting” on the town website: say

Article V, Section 6, Vacancies: Any vacancy must be filled for the remainder of the term by appointment by a majority of the council members within two weeks of its occurrence.

Chrissy was happy to assume the Treasurer role, Elisabeth volunteered to take Member at Large, and Dan moved to Vice Chair.  We conducted serial resignations and appointments to accomplish these changes.

Your Town Council now consists of:

Chair Marcus Moench                                

Vice Chair Dan Maedke                              

Secretary Gretchen Diefenderfer            

Treasurer Chrissy Maedke                         

Member at Large Elisabeth Caspari        


We also discussed having another town gathering and the Holiday Cookie Exchange and Latke Cook-off will be Thursday, December 16th from 6:00 – 8:30 at the Gold Hill School!

Next Gold Hill Town Meeting will be Monday, December 12, 2022

Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Diefenderfer, Secretary