GHTM Community Relief Fund
At our Zoom GHTM on April 13, the Gold Hill Town Meeting Community Relief Fund was brought up because it seems likely that there may be newer people in town who do not know about it, as well as there are probably those who are in need because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, who were doing fine before.
The fund developed during the 2010 Fourmile Fire to help as much as we could those affected by the fire. As those needs faded into the past, the Town Meeting voted to rename it the Community Relief Fund which can be accessed for other financial difficulties or emergencies. Therefore, we decided to send the application out again. If you have questions, please contact any member of the Town Council (the Town Council acts as the Committee to process the applications): Marielle Sidel, Chair ( or 303-819-2029), Emma Salmon, ViceChair (, Martha Knapp ( or 303-442-5254), Gretchen Diefenderfer ( or 303-442-3847) , or DanMaedke, Member-at-Large ( or 303-808-7082)