Posted on: April 25th, 2013



Gold Hill School, through the Boulder Valley School District application process, will be hiring a new K-1-2 teacher for the 2013-2014 academic year. All interested applicants will have to apply through BVSD. This is an extensive application process including verification of your credentials, if you may be interested in applying for this position, we suggest you start on your application prior to the posting of the formal job announced from BVSD.

The school

Gold Hill Elementary, a very unique public elementary school that is part of the Boulder Valley School District. It is a two-room schoolhouse and is the oldest continually operating school in Colorado. It has two tight knit multiage classrooms, with a total enrollment between 22 – 30 students. One room is home to the younger classroom, comprised of the kindergarteners, first and second graders and another room is home to the third, fourth, and fifth graders. There is a tight bond between these two classrooms. The school also has a strong history of personalized, hands-on education that allows students to grow and learn through differentiated instruction in a supportive learning atmosphere. Having two teachers for 25 students allows the potential for this kind of learning environment to flourish.. Our multi-age classrooms provide an excellent opportunity for students to learn to work with other students in small, cooperative groups, which can maximize learning experiences for all students. In addition to offering an academic program aligned with the challenging district and state standards, GHS offers several unique opportunities for children, including Living History Day, school plays, skiing, outdoor education, team-building, and more. Our principal is off-site and oversees another school as well. There is Paraprofessional support in the school, and strong PTO support. In addition, the Gold Hill community is very supportive of the school and engaged in a variety of activities throughout the year.

Addresss: 890 Main Street, Gold Hill, CO 80302 Phone: 720-561-5940 Daily Schedule: 8:30-3:00 Principal: Josh Baldner

Mission Statement: At Gold Hill, each student will receive a personalized educational program that provides a balance of academics and personal success.

PTO: The Gold Hill PTO is an engaged group of parents dedicated to supporting the unique and special aspects of our mountain school. The PTO is very involved in various activities including class room support, Fall Fiesta fundraiser, the winter ski program at Eldora, the yearly school play, and a year-end camping trip for the older students. Other activities include a honey-bee project, various field trips, interactive science and geography curriculum sessions, Living History days, and others. Priorities of the PTO include: Insure that we have the right classroom materials to support experiential learning Provide support at least in the mornings in both classrooms on a consistent basis Insure that enrichment activities continue to be available Insuring there is appropriate and up-to-date technology in the classrooms Support for 3-4-5 classroom during times of standardized testing so that education continues for those not testing Insure a strong, engaged PTO and family community, especially with new families each year