GHFPD Board Meeting 4/18/13

Posted on: May 13th, 2013

Notes on the Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting 4/18/13. 

By Gretchen Diefenderfer


Next Meeting is Thursday, May 16, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center.


Present were President Donal Maloney, Secretary Dave Sturtz, Board Members Rick Geesaman, Bobby Vrba, and Rich Lopez, plus community member Gretchen Diefenderfer.


Donal reported on an explosion yesterday (April 17) in West, Texas, and the death of 5 volunteer firefighters.  Approximately ¾ of the firefighters in this country are volunteers.  This is Bobby’s hometown and 2 of his second cousins have not been heard from.  This past Saturday, several of our volunteers participated in the annual refresher – safety is a big component of all our training.


The minutes were approved as sent out.


Public Time

Gretchen reported on the new reflective green metal signs in Sunshine. Volunteers put together an excel sheet to determine how many they needed – single signs, multiple signs, etc. and their CWPP group purchased the metal signs and the numbers, assembled them and have been putting them up. They cost between $3,000 and $3,500. She asked about the FD maps and Chris said they’re 10 years old.  Donal estimated that we have between 250 – 300 structures in the district.  He suggested we look at our options: the cost and the people to carry the project.  Gretchen will do some more research and report back.  Sunshine would like to see good addressing spread like a virus.  At the last Town Meeting, people were interested also.



Chris reported that his #1 question is the long-standing need for a legal easement for the 12,000 gal. cistern in the subdivision.  It’s now been in the works for several years and Chris thinks it’s very important to get it settled.  Rich volunteered to look into it.

Chris also pointed out that our copy of the Exemption from Audit that was signed at the last meeting needs to be filed in the office in the Budget file.

He also reported that Leslie is still signing the checks and the Board needs to fill out the paperwork to sign on the account.  Dave moved that all Board members be signers, Rich seconded and all voted aye.  Chris will take a signed copy of the motion to the Vectra Bank on 17th & Pearl to get the process moving.

The question was raised that the current transparency notice needs to be posted on the website.  Donal has the terms from the lawyer, and it can be finished up.

Rich looked into the dry hydrant site in Lefthand.  It seems shallow and would need to be deepened, but Chris says it is the best place to pull a fire truck off.  Rich knows the owners and they are here in the summer.  All thought it would be a desirable thing for the property owners to have a fixed dry hydrant close to them and would hopefully be well received.   It was decided to proceed and talk to the owners.




Donal was pleased to report that the board is meeting with the full complement of 5 members for the first time and it’s important because Chris needs a functioning board.  Rich suggested that if someone is out of town, they could have phone participation if needed.



Chris reports that they have received most of the new SCBAs – they came with medium masks only and some hoses are missing.  Other sized masks and the missing hoses have been ordered.   The masks will be hanging in bags with the bunker gear and 1-2 spares will be in the truck.  They will go into service as soon as possible.  First the firefighters have to watch 2 short movies, take a test (takes only 15-20 minutes) and do training – contact Chris or Donal for info.  The new 60minute bottles (vs. the old 30-min. ones) are a huge advance for the department.

Chris has applied for a VFA grant for new wildland gear.  Our share of the cost will be 50%.  There have been some changes – he used to work with Allen Owen of the CSFS and now it’s the Colo. Dept. of Public Safety.

As of right now Steffi is in the First Responders class and Steffi and Marielle are beginning the Wildland class.

4th of July is coming up and they are always looking for help.

The Red equipment bags are all in the locker room stacked in the back – Chris reminded the firefighters that the floor is for walking on.

Motion to adjourn carried.