GHFPD Board Meeting 4-19-12

Posted on: May 6th, 2012

Gretchen’s notes on the Gold Hill Fire Protection District Board Meeting, April 19, 2012.  Official meeting minutes are available by emailing Dave at

Regular Board meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month and the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 17, 8:00 p.m. at the Community Center.

This was the last meeting of the present board.  Attending were Dave Steinmann, President, Dave Sturtz, Secretary, Board members Donal Maloney, Rick Geesaman, and Gary Siemer, Chief Chris Finn, plus visitors Deb Yeager and Gretchen Diefenderfer.

Dave Sturtz reported that old business from the last minutes included the easement for the cistern in the subdivision and the Fire Barn Use Agreement, which needs to be signed and returned by the Gold Hill Town Meeting.

Chris Finn questioned the terms for the respective board members posted at the Firebarn.  He was concerned that people appointed for the board members who resigned should now serve the same terms (there are 2 year terms and 4 year terms) as the board members terms they replaced.  Dave Steinmann was the Designated Election Official and stated that with the Elections all the positions are new and the Self Nominating form has a box to check to select the term desired.   (Dave checked with the lawyer the next day and his paralegal confirmed, “The District had 2-2year terms and 3-4 year terms open.  If the board candidates nominated themselves for the terms as you have listed them, then all is fine”.)

Dave Steinmann has provided all the new board members with the Oaths of Office.  They will take office on May 8.

Donal wondered, since most of the board is new, are there written requirements?  Dave Steinmann will get them before May from the State DOLA.


Dave Steinman has given the paperwork for the easements to Sue Kidder and Paul Roberts for the easement to the Fire Department cistern located on their property.  The cistern was installed when the property belonged to the Giffins. Brian was on the Fire Board and no formal easement was ever executed.  Chris is concerned that it is still hanging, but Dave Steinmann said Sue and Paul’s intent is fine.  The FD keeps the cistern full.

David Brigham volunteered in the past to check into a heat sensor/smoke alarm for the barn (he’s in the business), but it hasn’t been able to get to it.  It was suggested that perhaps we should call a service?

Chris brought up that the board needs to appoint a treasurer.  Responsibilities include submitting the budget to the County by December 12 and to the State by the end of January.  Chris submits the budget to the Board and they have 30 days to approve or amend it.  He estimates that it’s a 1-2 hour per month job.  Dave Steinmann pointed out that action items have to be put on the agenda 24 hours before the meeting.  Any board member can put anything on and the President makes up the agenda.  Since this has been previously discussed, Dave Steinmann moved that the board appoint Gary Siemer as Treasurer until May when the new Board takes office and can appoint him or whoever.  Dave Sturtz seconded and it passed.

Donal said that he would like to see the new board break out areas to oversee so Chris can delegate some of his present responsibilities, i.e., one board member could be responsible for overseeing the building and so on.  Dave Sturtz says he wants to continue as secretary.  Dave Steinmann volunteered to be available to help with any projects and will make sure the May 8 elections results are officially recorded at the appropriate agencies.  He pointed out that the present board had found out that if anyone misses 3 consecutive meetings, they automatically vacate their position.  The Board has to formally excuse him/her.  Dave Sturtz suggested that board members make an agreement not to miss 3 meetings in a row.  Also, after May 8th, the board has to update the State and the Transparency notice.  Steinmann will write up these responsibilities for the next President.  The lawyer, Dick Lyons and his paralegal Kyna send out emails regarding deadlines, etc., and the President is empowered to consult with the lawyer when there is a question.

The new sign is up and looks great.

Chris reported that the new shed by the stairs is from the Gold Hill Office of Emergency Preparedness and Amy Hardy, GHTM Chair, has the key – supplies for emergencies  are to come.

Also, Max will be moving the older shed, which is the Sheriffs Department’s, to the West more out of the way.

A bunch of firefighters attended the annual Wildland Firefighter refresher (12 from Gold Hill).  There will be 2 more opportunities to go.

Donal requested that this year’s budget be sent to all the board members.  Chris said the quarterly statement should be ready soon.  Income from the County comes in as people pay their property taxes.  If we need to we can take funds from the Community Foundation funds to make up for decreased revenue post fire.  Trucks are repaired from the emergency fund category.  We have plans to build the brush truck into something more helpful and useful.

Chris reported that United Way paid for a mental health check up post the Fourmile fire.  Joan Sabat of CDR Associates interviewed a selection from the rosters of Fourmile and Gold Hill and the report will be out soon.

Bret and Chris are working on putting together a class for present and future officers – classes, etc.

Chris will send out a list of our trainings again soon.  He will not be at the May  meeting, but will send out any info he has for the board.

Rick announced a benefit fund raiser for the Ranch on Saturday, May 5th at BMOCA: $50 admission, music, auctions, absinth martinis and food.

Chris added that there will be a bike race this summer that will affect us – a good viewing spot will be the end of County 52 and the Peak to Peak, so we need to be prepared for camping, etc., on Federal lands.