Environmental info from CSU Extension Office

Posted on: September 12th, 2017

Info from Irene Shonle (CSU Extension agent)  for Gold Hill forwarded by Susan Fernalld.  

Some fall reminders:

  1. You don’t “need” to take down your hummingbird feeder to make the birds migrate – they will do so in response to day length. I like to keep mine up for a week or two after I’ve seen any, just to help out any stragglers.  I’m down to only 2-3 already, from the 25-30 I had at peak.  Remember to bring them in at night because:
  2. Bears are going into their fall hyperphagia, trying to put on enough fat to make it through hibernation.  Be extra careful with feeders, trash, dog food, etc.
  3. Fall needle drop is normal with evergreens – if you are suddenly seeing a whole bunch of brown needles on the interior of your tree, don’t worry.  The trees are just shedding old needles: http://jeffcogardener.blogspot.com/2013/10/fall-needle-drop-is-normal-in.html
  4. Clean your chimney before you light your first fire for the year.
  5. Keep your cats inside to avoid the heartbreak of missing cats – every year, so many signs go up in the fall, and I am sad for everyone.  Fall appears to be a time when predators are particularly active.

6.      Moose rut will begin soon, and it is best to give them an extra-wide berth at this time, as the males in particular are much more unpredictable and aggressive.