Community Preparedness

Posted on: February 1st, 2012
Good Morning,
It is that time of year again to start to think about the impact of this spring and summer flood season on Gold Hill as well as our neighboring communities.  Gold Hill has been working with our mountain community neighbors and Boulder County’s Office of Emergency Management to design a community preparedness plan that would help respond on a community level to possible emergencies (wildfire, flooding, heavy snow etc).  I know. You are saying, “Gold Hill is on top of a hill…we don’t have any flood concerns.”  In this case, this type of community support would be for our neighbors in Four Mile and Sunshine Canyons as they may climb to safety and end up in Gold Hill.  As a result of last year’s preparation for upcoming flood season, Gold Hill was awarded a 6’x6′ tough shed flled with materials to help set up a short term evacuation center here in town designed to provide information (generator), food and water, and basic medical support, cots and blankets, in the case of an extended stay in GH.  Please note this community emergency preparedness plan will work hand in hand with the Gold Hill Fire Department as they will be busy working on the front lines of the emergency.  This plan will only work if we have Gold Hill volunteers who are willing to offer their support in the case of such emergency.
We are having an informational meeting on February 9th at 7pm in the community center for those who are interested in volunteering.  I encourage any of our community members who took the HAM radio class to think about being on this list as it would be helpful to have your skills should we lose power and find ourselves in need of communicating with Boulder resources.
***I know that most of us are busy so I will be clear that this is not a time consuming volunteer project, rather a number of locals who are willing to be on a list to be called in the case of an emergency to offer support.***
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions,
Amy E. Hardy
Fourmile Recovery Resource Coordinator
Foothills United Way