Commentary on GH Noise Issue

Posted on: October 3rd, 2017

Attn: Gold Hill Town Meeting

Please read my comments aloud as I am unable to attend the October 2017 meeting in person. I would also like this document added to the minutes.

My name is Joanne Cole and I have lived in Gold Hill since 1998. I live on Hill St above the Inn and the music and voices rise directly to my front door and inside my windows. I also travel back from town on Friday nights and traverse the many cars lining Main St.

I welcome the activity of the Gold Hill Inn as it nurtures our community and is the center of what makes living in Gold Hill great. I too echo the sentiments voiced at last months meeting of how important the Inn and the Finn family have been to Gold Hill for over HALF a century. I hold the Finn family very dear to my heart and respect them immensely.

I would like to point out that when I first moved to Gold Hill, the Inn hosted live music on BOTH Friday and Saturday nights. Now, it is only one night a week.

I FIRMLY believe that the music and activity has NOT become greater over the years, but exactly the OPPOSITE- contained and managed properly and with concern for the residents of Gold Hill.

If there is a problem with noise and activity AFTER the Inn has closed, I suggest those agitated by the noise speak to whoever is making the noise and ask them to keep it quiet or to move it away from Main St. I would also ask those “un-named” folks who have issue with noise to take these simple remedies:

Remember you were once young

Close your windows and go to bed early

Have a drink, smoke a joint or take a sleeping pill if you have trouble sleeping

Live and let live!!

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Cole

October 2017