Boulder County Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter – March 3, 2015

Posted on: March 6th, 2015

Today’s Forest Health Outreach update covers the following:
*Forestry Tip of the Day: Sort Yards Open May 1
*Call for Applications: 2015 Community Chipping Reimbursement Program
*Wildfire Mitigation Grant Funding Available from the CSFS

*Forestry Tip of the Day: Sort Yards Open May 1
We are excited to announce the 2015 Community Forestry Sort Yard operating schedule. The Nederland area and Allenspark area sort yards are both scheduled to open on May 1. Like last year both yards will operate 5 days per week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday thru Saturday. We will be closed July 4 and may have additional closures due to staff training.

What is a sort yard? Some of our newer readers may not know what a sort yard is so we thought we would provide a quick explanation. Boulder County has established two sort yards to collect logs, tree branches, pine needles, cut grass and noxious weeds from county residents. There is no charge to drop off material. Keep all types of material (logs, slash, yard waste, noxious weeds) separate within the load. Each type of material is unloaded in a different location. Full sort yard program details are available here:

Our opening date may be delayed if we are lucky enough to be hit by a big spring snow storm. If there is snow in the air it is always wise to give our operational status hotline a call at 303-678-6368 before hauling.

*Call for Applications: 2015 Boulder County Community Chipping Reimbursement Program
For over 20 years Boulder County has offered financial assistance to encourage mountain communities to set up community-based chipping days. We are excited to once again offer $15,000 in chipping reimbursement funding to encourage community members to work together as they prepare their land for future wildfires. Ideal projects offer community members an organized “curbside community chipping event” on a property-by-property basis.

Reimbursement is only available for direct costs related to chipping or transportation of slash. It is not available for tree cutting. Communities, community organizations, incorporated towns, homeowner associations, and fire protection districts are all eligible. In order to receive reimbursement, you must provide a valid tax identification number.

Program Overview Website and Application Form:
• Please make sure carefully read our program overview webpage before your community applies for funding. Visit:
• Community Application Forms are due by March 22, 2015. Download it here:

Contact us at or 720-564-2641 if you have any questions.

*Wildfire Mitigation Grant Funding Available from the CSFS
The Colorado State Forest Service has received funding, from the United States Forest Service, to assist landowners in the Wildland Urban Interface with their defensible space and fuels mitigation needs. The grant is a 50:50 cost share, and interested parties can find out more by contacting Collin Wassink with the CSFS Boulder District at 303-823-5774


Ryan Ludlow | Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator 
Boulder County | Land Use Department
O: 720.564.2641 | F: 303.441.4856 |
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