Boulder County Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter – March 24, 2015

Posted on: March 25th, 2015

Today’s Forest Health Outreach update covers the following:
*Forestry Tip of the Day: Where is your Firewood Pile?
*Sort Yards: Free Slash and Log Disposal Sites Open May 1

*Forestry Tip of the Day: Where is your Firewood Pile? 
As we move out of winter and into the warmer season it is a good time of year to make sure your “home ignition zone” is properly maintained. This time of year many people still have their winter firewood pile stacked on decks or against walls. Now is a good time to move firewood piles, scrap wood, and anything else combustible away from your home’s walls, off of decks and out from under decks.

Firewood piles should be stacked in an open area at least 30 feet away, on the uphill side of your home.  See the attached wildfire mitigation checklist for additional spring time mitigation tips. 

*Sort Yards: Free Slash and Log Disposal Sites Open May 1
The Nederland and Allenspark Sort Yards are both scheduled to open on Friday, May 1. Both yards will operate 4 days per week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday. (Correction: In the last eNewsletter we mistakenly stated that they would operate 5 days per week. Sorry for the mix-up.)

What is a sort yard? Boulder County has established two sort yards to collect logs, tree branches, pine needles, cut grass and noxious weeds from county residents. There is no charge to drop off material. Keep all types of material (logs, slash, yard waste, noxious weeds) separate within the load. Each type of material is unloaded in a different location. Full sort yard program details are available here:

Our opening date may be delayed due to spring snow. If there is snow in the air it is always wise to give our operational status hotline a call at 303-678-6368 before hauling.


Ryan Ludlow | Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator 
Boulder County | Land Use Department
2045 13th Street, Boulder, CO 80302
720-564-2641 |
*Visit our website to join our Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter