Boulder County Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter – July 24, 2013

Posted on: July 24th, 2013

Today’s forest health outreach update covers the following topics:
*Forestry Tip of the Day: Mountain Pine Beetle Flight
*Firewise Landscaping Webinar Series: Defensible space is not moonscape!
*Reminder: Free Insurance Workshop: Nederland – July 25
*Boulder Office of Emergency Management Seeks Input on Hazard Mitigation Plan Revision
*Allenspark Sort Yard Reopens on Tuesday – July 30
*Fire Ban Rescinded

*Forestry Tip of the Day: Mountain Pine Beetle Flight 
Forestry Tip of the Day: Mountain pine beetles (MPBs) typically fly once per year between mid-July to mid-Sept. Private forest landowner’s should use caution when cutting during the heart of beetle flight since MPBs can be attracted to freshly cut pine. We do think it is okay to continue cutting during beetle flight, especially if you are working to create effective defensible space on your land, but be conscience about your methods.

When cutting during MPB flight try to limit the amount of time fresh cut pine branches and logs stay on your land. If possible it is best to cut and remove freshly cut pine material from your land quickly. If removal isn’t feasible make sure to stack freshly cut pine material away from high value trees. Chipping freshly cut pine back onto the forest floor can also attract beetles to your land so either haul chips offsite or spread chips away from high value trees.

Keep in mind that you can cut fir, spruce, aspen and other non-pine species of trees during beetle flight without worry of attracting MPBs. You can also cut dead trees and remove the dead lower branches of any tree species without issues.

MPB Management: You can reduce the total impacts from beetles on your land if you aggressively survey for and remove newly infested trees. We recommend that you survey all pines in your forest at least once per year after beetle flight ends in mid-Sept. Use our Bark Beetle Management Field Guide to help determine if a tree has been successfully attacked.

The good news is that in recent years we have seen declining beetle populations throughout the state and in Boulder County. This decline in population provides even more reason and motivation to make sure to remove as many infested trees from your land as possible.

Keep in mind the absolute best time of the year to be on your land cutting is from about Mid-Sept. to Mid-March. Both MPBs and Ips bark beetles are the least active during these cooler fall and winter months.

*Firewise Landscaping Two-part Webinar Series: Defensible space is not moonscape!
(A webinar is an online seminar. You can participate from any computer with decent internet access.)

Defensible-space (D-space) does not mean moonscape! In this two part webinar learn how to transform your home’s perimeter into an area that you can not only use, but looks good and helps protect your home from wildfires. You have the ability to dramatically improve the chances of your home surviving the next wildfire!

Webinar Part 1: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 (Noon – 1:00 pm MT) – Home Ignition Zone: Lessons learned from Fourmile, High Park and Waldo Canyon fires. Our understanding of how homes are lost in wildfires is changing. Learn the newest science available.  Learn about simple maintenance tips to better prepare your home for wildfires.  See fun and attractive examples of D-space incorporating patio design and pathways. Presented by Ryan Ludlow, Boulder County Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator

Webinar Part 2: Thursday, August 15, 2013 (Noon – 1:00 pm MT) – Fire-Resistant Plants: Learn how to use fire-resistant native and adapted plants to add color and beauty and to attract birds to your land. Presented by Irene Shonle, Gilpin County Extension Director

To register for one or both of these free webinars go to:

*Reminder: Free Insurance Workshop in Nederland – Thursday, July 25
Learn how to properly insure your home and be prepared in case of natural disasters.
When: Thursday, July 25 – 7- 9 p.m.
Where: Nederland Community Center, 750 Highway 72 North
Program Description:
• Easy to use tools, tips, and resources to assure that your home is adequately insured. 
• How to avoid the most common gaps in insurance coverage.
• An accurate range of per square footage costs to rebuild in the mountains west of Boulder. 
• What Fourmile Fire survivors wish they’d known about insurance before they lost their homes. 
• Receive tips from United Policyholders’ Roadmap to Preparedness Program (

*Boulder Office of Emergency Management Seeks Virtual Input on Hazard Mitigation Plan Revision
The Boulder Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is using social media to gather public input on the revision of the county’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. The agency is asking residents to take an online survey about hazard mitigation in their communities. The OEM is also encouraging residents utilize Facebook and Twitter to receive important information about the plan and to continue providing feedback throughout the revision process.

For complete details about how you can provide feedback please see our news release here:

*Allenspark Area Sort Yard Reopens on Tuesday – July 30
The Allenspark sort yard reopens next week for free of charge slash and log disposal. This north county site will be open Tues. – Sat., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. thru Oct. 19. Please note we will not accept currently infested mountain pine beetle logs until after mpb flight ends in mid-Sept. For complete details please visit: 

*The Fire Ban in Boulder County has been rescinded
The Fire ban has been rescinded. For further information please visit the Sheriff’s Office Press Release here:


Ryan Ludlow | Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator 
Boulder County | Land Use Department
O: 720.564.2641 | F: 303.441.4856 |
*Please visit our website to sign-up to receive emails about forestry workshops, community meetings, bark beetle management tips and more!