Boulder County Forest Health Outreach eNewsletter – April 17, 2013

Posted on: April 17th, 2013

Today’s forest health outreach update covers the following topics:
* Forestry Tip of the Day: Saws and Slaws – Building a Stronger Community through a Healthy Forest!
* Event Postponed due to snow until next week: Wildfire Mitigation Community Training for the Sugarloaf Community!

*Forestry Tip of the Day: Saws and Slaws – Building a Stronger Community through a Healthy Forest! 
Forestry Tip of the Day: Have you heard about the new community forestry effort that is quickly building momentum in the foothills of Boulder County? It is a new community driven volunteer effort called “Saws and Slaws”. The name refers to chainsaws and coleslaws. The basic premise is that a bunch of neighbors come together, volunteer their time and help each other implement forestry mitigation on their land and then share a giant potluck after the project is complete to celebrate their hard work and socialize.

Saws and Slaws was started by community members in Coal Creek Canyon in 2011 and has quickly spread to neighboring communities. In 2012, the program was adopted by the Town of Nederland and the St. Antons HOA and this summer the Sugarloaf Community is jumping on board and planning projects. To date ninety-two individuals have donated over 990 hours of volunteer time and helped mitigate 32 homes! 

For further information (including photos and videos) about this exciting program please visit Saws and Slaws website:

Saws and Slaws is gaining national attention and was recently highlighted on the National Fire Protection Association FireBreak Blog. Read the blog post here:

Why is this important?  As the County’s Outreach Forester, I couldn’t be more excited by this amazing community driven effort. I can’t point to a much better example of community members working together to accomplish their shared goals of protecting homes from future wildfires and creating a healthier forest ecosystem. This program is empowering landowners and allowing them to leverage their strengths and resources; in order to see more work occur on the ground. 

Coal Creek Canyon, Nederland, St. Antons HOA and Sugarloaf are all planning Saws and Slaws cutting parties on weekends throughout the summer. Saws and Slaws is always looking for additional volunteers who want to get involved in this exciting program. Contact Saws and Slaws directly through their website contact page ( if you are interested in volunteering at an event or spreading the Saws and Slaws program to your neighborhood. 

* Event Postponed until next week: Free Wildfire Mitigation Community Training for the Sugarloaf Community!
***DUE to SNOWY weather we are postponing this training until next week, Thursday April 25.*** 

 rescheduled to Thursday, April 25, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Sugarloaf Fire House # 2, 1360 Sugarloaf Road
What: Educational program focused on wildfire mitigation and upcoming community chipping event

Program Description: Learn about simple actions you can take to dramatically improve the chances of your home surviving the next wildfire. Our understanding about how homes are lost in wildfires is changing. Learn the latest science available and lessons learned from last summer’s Waldo Canyon Wildfire.

Program Highlights: 
*Hear about our planned Community Chipping Days 
*Sign-up for the discounted curbside chipping program (geographic restrictions exist) 
*Learn about simple spring maintenance tips to better prepare your home for wildfires
*Understand the latest wildfire mitigation science
*Learn how to retrofit your home to be more fire-resistant 

Community Chipping Program: Boulder County recently awarded Sugarloaf Fire Protection District a community chipping reimbursement grant to help the community set up a curbside chipping program. This year Sugarloaf FPD will host two “curbside chipping events”, on May 15 and Oct. 15. Please join us at this community meeting if you are interested in learning more and taking advantage of the heavily discounted chipping program. If you cannot attend and/or have questions please call CB Bassity, Sugarloaf Firefighter, at 720-406-7835.

Program Sponsors: Sugarloaf Fire Protection District and Boulder County. 


Ryan Ludlow | Forestry Education & Outreach Coordinator 
Boulder County | Land Use Department
O: 720.564.2641 | F: 303.441.4856 |
*Please visit our website to sign-up to receive emails about forestry workshops, community meetings, bark beetle management tips and more!